speaking Topics
Space IQ - Creating Intelligent Spaces
Every part of our lives exist either within a space or in a space in between. Our ability to decode the purpose of these spaces and to design or redesign them accordingly determines our level of what Dr Samantha Hall has coined Space IQ. Space IQ can also refer to how intelligently a space has been designed. So how do we go about increasing our Space IQ, or alternatively gauging the intelligence of a space?
In the presentation Samantha Hall takes the audience through a step by step process enabling them to assess a space so that they can identify opportunities in order to redesign a space with the desired outcomes for that space front of mind. Within this process, Samantha will assist the audience to identify the archetype of a space, to analyse data collected about a space, to create a vision for improved space and from there to identify the gaps that will enable a space transformation.
Audiences will walk away from this presentation with the insights and tools to use Space IQ to better understand the influence a space is having on the people who exist within its walls. From there they will be empowered to make more intentional decisions about how they use the spaces around them to achieve their goals and to create better outcomes.
Walking through the office will create a different energy, to a recreational space like a park. A church has a different feeling to a boardroom, or a gym to a kitchen. Every space serves a human purpose which is exactly why the feeling or experience of each room can be explored via human archetypes. Welcome to the world of space archetypes.
In this presentation, Samantha will take the audience through the nine space archetypes. Within each archetype she will talk the design characteristics that achieve the intended outcomes, creating the right energy and experience for users. She will talk through what to observe, and how spaces can fail the user experience.
Audiences will walk away from this presentation with the tools to read spaces so that they can better align the design of that space with the archetype that best reflects the desired outcomes. This will enhance performance, productivity and it will ensure the purpose of a room is fulfilled at every touch point.
Space used to be thought of as merely being an area between walls in which we exist. The objects within that space may have identified our social standing, but other than there was very little consideration of the intention behind the design. Today we are beginning to understand the influence that space has on every aspect of our personal lives, professional lives and the potential of spaces as an integral part of a healthy economy.
Sustainability, connectivity, digital disruption, and even the impact of global pandemics are collectively asking us to rethink how we use space. Each of these space trends is transformative in their own right, and together they represent a space revolution.
Audiences will come away from this talk with the ability to think clearly and critically about designing future spaces. They will gain insights into how space has been used historically to understand how reconnecting with our basic human needs will determine how we use space, amplify spaces and harness space as a driver in the next economy.
SYMBIOTIC SPACES - The Circular Economy Of Space Design
The essence of a symbiotic space has a focus on creating a bridge between the living world and what we as humans design and build within an area. It goes deeper than using smart recycling methods or energy-saving lights. This is about creating a living ecosystem within a space where the planet breathes life into space, space breathes life into the people, and the people breathe life into the planet. It is the creation of a cyclic space between what we need to survive and what is sustainable.
In this presentation, Samantha Hall takes the audience on a journey through the cyclic pillars of symbiotic spaces. This includes decoding the nature of the circular economy as a macro example of symbiotic space and then applying that same methodology to a micro area like an office, a university or a home.
Audiences will walk away from this presentation with insights into creating a seamless and sustainable space design that exists between meeting the survival needs of those who inhabit a space and the sustainability needs of the planet that houses the space. They will also understand the importance of purpose-driven and sustainable design today and into the future.
Available for speaking, panel discussions or input to internal team discussions.
"Samantha is highly regarded in this industry. We were fortunate to have her join our panel on smart buildings and make some very insightful contributions to the discussion."
James Tilbury, Co-Founder, EnergyLab.
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